Join Bishop Powers for the Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimage next July. What a wonderful opportunity to travel to Indianapolis as a diocese – 4 busses – leaving from Merrill, Superior, Hudson and Rice Lake. We look forward to a wonderful trip with Bishop.
Jessica Poskozim
Religious Ed Open House
Please join us in Kress Hall on Catechetical Sunday 9/17 immediately following the 10:30 Mass for our Wednesday Night Religious Education Open House!
Register your child(ren), meet the catechists, tour the classrooms, eat some treats!
Religious Education Registration
Welcome back, families! Registration for the 2023/24 school year is now open for Wednesday Night Religious Education at the Cathedral. This is open to all families at Cathedral, Holy Assumption, St. Anthony in Superior, and St. William.
Classes start on 9/20
K-6 attend from 5:30-6:30 and 7-11 from 7:00-8:00
Register your child(ren) here:
Please reach out with any questions: for K-6 for 7-11 for Youth Group
Photo Directory
Thank you to all of those who sat for a photo! If you missed one of our photography dates, you can still submit a photo. Please submit a digital photo to your parish secretary along with $15.
Photo Directories will arrive this fall.
Construction Update
The front steps and parking lot will be under construction from approximately June 5, 2023-July 29, 2023. During this time there will be no daily Mass at the Cathedral. Instead, Tuesday through Friday, Mass will be at St. Anthony in Superior at 8:30 am. On the weekends, Mass will be at the Cathedral at the regularly scheduled times, and a handicapped entrance will be available.
Continue to use extra care around the construction area during our concrete/blacktop project
- NOTE: it changes every week, so be prepared and cautious
- NOTE: please only park in marked spaces; do not park in the fire lane or on/near the plaza
- NOTE: we will use social media, the parish app, and Facebook to announce changes
Photo Directory
To schedule your photography appointment online, simply go to
Then, click on ”Photography Appointment Scheduling Login”
The “Church Codes” are as follows: (case specific) Attend the location that works best for you!
Cathedral wi227a
St. William wi227b
St. Anthony Superior wi227c
Holy Assumption wi227d
St. Anthony Lake Nebagamon wi227e
Photo Dates
Tuesday, April 11
Wednesday, April 12
Thursday, April 13
Friday, April 14
Saturday, April 15
St. William
Tuesday, May 2
St. Anthony, Superior
Wednesday, May 3
Thursday, May 4
Holy Assumption
Friday, May 5
Saturday, May 6
St. Anthony, Lake Nebagamon
Wednesday, May 30
Thursday, May 31
The “Password” is photos for all. Note: Church Code & Password are case sensitive. Follow the prompts to schedule your family’s appointment time. If you have 5 or more in your family, please use 2 consecutive time slots. The online scheduling option may not be available Saturday or Sunday because we will be doing paper sign-ups at Mass on selected weekends. You can be photographed at any location if desired!
Appointments fill up quickly, so sign up as soon to secure your preferred date and time.
Cathedral Centennial Campaign
2027 Marks the 100th year for the Cathedral of Christ the King. In order to get ready for our Centennial Celebration, we are embarking upon our Cathedral Centennial Capital Campaign.
Youth Group Calendar
Act of Consecration
Act of Consecration
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
At the request of Pope Francis, on this Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, a solemn Act of Consecration of humanity, Russia, and Ukraine in particular, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is being conducted around the world today. At the Cathedral of Christ the King, this consecration is being held in the context of holy Mass on March 25 at 11:00 am, presided by our Bishop James Powers.

See the Act of Consecration in it’s entirety here
Letter from Bishop Powers