Transitioning back to live Mass

Please read this letter about reopening our churches for live Masses starting the weekend of June 6th and 7th, 2020. We are instituting a number of new practices and Mass may look very different. May this time become a rich opportunity for all of us to become kinder, more caring and gentler with one another.  We are in this together; may we work together for the common good of all.

Receiving Holy Communion during COVID-19

Beginning Sunday, May 24th, Catholics in our cluster who wish to receive Holy Communion may come to the Cathedral and follow the strict guidelines set forth by Bishop Powers.  These Communion Services will be followed until Bishop is confident that we can have Mass in a way that is both reverent and safe.

Please note: The dispensation given by Bishop Powers from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass is still in effect

Lumen Christi Award

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce that this year’s Lumen Christi Award recipient is Eugene McGillis.  A native son of Superior, Gene has strong ties to both the Cathedral Parish and St. Anthony, Lake Nebagamon parish. 

Normally we would celebrate Gene’s life with our annual Award Dinner on the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend; unfortunately, like so many other events, we have had to cancel the dinner this year because of COVID-19. 

Our plan is to honor Gene next year in May 2021 at the Lumen Christi Award Dinner, along with the current year’s recipient.  If you know Gene, please feel free to drop him a note, give him a call, or congratulate him on Facebook.  His service to the Church and our community offer us all a fitting example of the Light of Christ!

May all of us continue to be inspired by the many examples of faith and compassion that we are witnessing in the face of this pandemic.  While it is a difficult time, it does provide us all with rich opportunities to reflect on our lives and make changes that bring us closer to the Lord and one another.

I urge us all to continue to pray for our world as we confront COVID-19. 

Read more about Gene’s life here.