Ash Wednesday

Please click HERE for more information, and register online at this link: Homeschooling Conference Registration. Please use your existing Repack account to sign up if you have one! Otherwise, simply create an account.
Childcare and lunch are provided!
Join Bishop Powers for the Eucharistic Congress Pilgrimage next July. What a wonderful opportunity to travel to Indianapolis as a diocese – 4 busses – leaving from Merrill, Superior, Hudson and Rice Lake. We look forward to a wonderful trip with Bishop.
Please join us in Kress Hall on Catechetical Sunday 9/17 immediately following the 10:30 Mass for our Wednesday Night Religious Education Open House!
Register your child(ren), meet the catechists, tour the classrooms, eat some treats!
Welcome back, families! Registration for the 2023/24 school year is now open for Wednesday Night Religious Education at the Cathedral. This is open to all families at Cathedral, Holy Assumption, St. Anthony in Superior, and St. William.
Classes start on 9/20
K-6 attend from 5:30-6:30 and 7-11 from 7:00-8:00
Register your child(ren) here:
Please reach out with any questions:
jessicapearson@superiorcatholics.org for K-6
billk@superiorcatholics.org for 7-11
virginiak@superiorcatholics.org for Youth Group
The front steps and parking lot will be under construction from approximately June 5, 2023-July 29, 2023. During this time there will be no daily Mass at the Cathedral. Instead, Tuesday through Friday, Mass will be at St. Anthony in Superior at 8:30 am. On the weekends, Mass will be at the Cathedral at the regularly scheduled times, and a handicapped entrance will be available.
Continue to use extra care around the construction area during our concrete/blacktop project
2027 Marks the 100th year for the Cathedral of Christ the King. In order to get ready for our Centennial Celebration, we are embarking upon our Cathedral Centennial Capital Campaign.
First Communion at Cathedral of Christ the King will be celebrated on the parents choice of Wednesday, August 19 or Wednesday, August 26 at 6:00 pm. More information will be coming to parents from the Religious Ed. department or from Cathedral School.
Beginning Sunday, May 24th, Catholics in our cluster who wish to receive Holy Communion may come to the Cathedral and follow the strict guidelines set forth by Bishop Powers. These Communion Services will be followed until Bishop is confident that we can have Mass in a way that is both reverent and safe.
Please note: The dispensation given by Bishop Powers from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass is still in effect