Lenten Retreat

Dr. Brant Pitre presents “The Jewish Roots of Holy Week” in this video series. Holy Week is the holiest week of the year. But why do we call the entire week “holy”? Does anything important happen on the days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? Follow Scripture scholar and professor Dr. Brant Pitre as he walks through each of the seven days of Holy Week and explains how the words and actions of Jesus on the last seven days of His life are deeply significant, relevant, and rooted in the Old Testament. Enter Holy Week and make it your most life-changing Lenten season yet.   

Register to attend here

Hallow Small Group Challenges

Coming soon to our Superior Catholics Hallow Community:

Women’s and Men’s small group challenges!

We will be launching a devotional challenge to our members as we prepare our hearts for the Lenten season and our Pray 40 Lent challenge. We can’t wait to dive into these devotionals with you!

To join in the small group, select the drop-down arrow next to the Superior Catholics page and click the round “i” symbol next to the page, select “small Groups” and join the men’s or women’s group. The challenge will be available to all in the small groups only starting on February 1st.

Religious Education

Interested in teaching as a Catechist? A meeting will be hosted in Kress Hall on Wednesday, Sept 18th beginning at 6pm (doors open at 5:30 for social time). We are looking for Confirmation Catechists, as well as teachers and aides for all grades. REGISTER HERE

There will be a parent’s meeting on Sept 25th at 5:30pm in Kress Hall for First Reconciliation/First Communion families. Please reach out to Jessica Pearson 715.817.0333 for any questions or details.

Religious Ed classes are Wednesday nights and start October 2nd this year. PreK – 6th grade classes will be held from 5:30-6:30pm in Kress Hall. 7th grade – Confirmation class will be held from 7-8pm in Kress Hall.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Virginia Kovaleski at 952.300.1671 or vrkovy@gmail.com. God Bless!

New Koinonia 25th Anniversary

Inviting all previous attendees of NEW Koinonia #1 – #65 to a 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Koinonia Retreat program on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Lake Nebagamon. 

How wonderful will it be to spend an afternoon with your Koinonia brothers and sisters, sharing retreat memories, a delicious meal, living rosary, Mass, Adoration & Benediction celebrated by Bishop Powers, followed by a social hour. Beginning at noon and ending at 5:30 pm.  The cost is $40 per person.

Please prayerfully consider joining us. RSVP with registration form and payment no later than September 1st to:  Andrea Bleck, N9003 Lake Shore Lane, Phillips WI 54555 .   Registration form is available at your church office or on the Koinonia website at https://www.newkoinoniawi.weebly.com/   For more information contact Bluette Puchner 612-865-4720 or onthelak@sirentel.net