St. Anthony – Lake Nebagamon

As we look through our new building we can see our 121 year old church.  It is fitting that we  remember the past as we look forward to our new church. We have many memories and special feelings for our old building; we will have them always.   At the same time, we look to the future with new memories in our new church.  The church is just a building; the people make it a family.

Contributions are still being taken to provide for pews, decorations etc in the new building.  Mail to St. Anthony Church PO Box 397, Lake Nebagamon WI 54849 label envelope “new building”

For Whom the Bell Tolls

One of the frequent questions that is asked about the new St. Anthony Church is “Will you use the old bell?”  Yes!  The bell tower is being replicated and the 117 year old bell will “toll” again.

 The 600 pound bell was installed in 1903 and the Lake Nebagamon “Enterprise” stated “The new bell is a good thing as it calls on our Catholic friends. reminding them of their Sunday duties.”  The bell will remind us once again in 2021 and can be rung at weddings and other events.  More of how we are keeping the spirit of the old church alive in future weeks.

St. Anthony Lake Nebagamon Ground Breaking

Construction on the new building for St. Anthony Lake Nebagamon began on September 8; on Sunday September 13, Father Ricci blessed the construction site.

Enough money has been donated to complete the basic structure but funds are still needed to make the building a “home”.  Donations can be sent, in confidence, to St. Anthony Church PO Box 397, Lake Nebagamon WI 54849 labeled “New Church. You can follow our progress here and on our facebook page.

Catholic Services Appeal

This year’s theme is Together in Mission…Alive in Hope! The Catholic Services Appeal provides annual funding for over 36 programs, services, and ministries that are vital to every parish. All families are encouraged to support the Catholic Services Appeal with a prayerful gift. 

Online Giving to the Catholic Services Appeal is secure and easy.

Transitioning back to live Mass

Please read this letter about reopening our churches for live Masses starting the weekend of June 6th and 7th, 2020. We are instituting a number of new practices and Mass may look very different. May this time become a rich opportunity for all of us to become kinder, more caring and gentler with one another.  We are in this together; may we work together for the common good of all.

Receiving Holy Communion during COVID-19

Beginning Sunday, May 24th, Catholics in our cluster who wish to receive Holy Communion may come to the Cathedral and follow the strict guidelines set forth by Bishop Powers.  These Communion Services will be followed until Bishop is confident that we can have Mass in a way that is both reverent and safe.

Please note: The dispensation given by Bishop Powers from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass is still in effect